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The History of Store evaluator®: Enhancing Customer Experiences Since 1990

In the realm of business, delivering exceptional customer experiences has always been a paramount goal. However, understanding and improving customer service can be challenging without unbiased feedback. That's where Store Evaluator®, a premier company in the world of mystery shopping, comes into play. For decades, we have been the driving force behind empowering businesses to elevate their standards and create unforgettable customer interactions.

Our vision

The vision of a mystery shopper is to provide valuable insights to businesses by evaluating their products, services, and overall customer experience. These anonymous shoppers are tasked with objectively assessing various aspects, such as store cleanliness, employee behavior, product availability, and the effectiveness of promotional activities. Through their observations and detailed reports, mystery shoppers help companies identify areas for improvement and enhance their customer satisfaction. The ultimate goal of a mystery shopper is to contribute to the growth and success of businesses by providing accurate and unbiased feedback. By maintaining their anonymity, they ensure that their evaluations are based solely on their genuine experiences, offering a valuable perspective that can guide businesses in making informed decisions.


Unveiling the Mystery

Store Evaluator® operates as a mystery shopping agency out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Our team of independent contractor mystery shoppers from diverse backgrounds, sign up to act as anonymous shoppers, enabling them to blend seamlessly into various customer scenarios. Armed with specific evaluation criteria, these mystery shoppers embark on missions to gauge the quality of service and the overall shopping experiences onsite, online, and on the phone in every industry.

30+ Years of Experience

Millions of Evaluations Completed

Worldwide Shopper Base

Customizable Reporting Analytics

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